MathSphere Interactive Calculations 2

Great news: up-to-date and available at

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Great solution for teachers in Key Stage 1. This brings a whole new range of approaches into your Year 2 classroom as expectations are raised with the implementation of the renewed Framework. Rewritten to meet the very latest requirements, including knowing 2, 5 and 10 times tables, division and remainders.

Updated and now available at

All these resources and more now available online at


Free URBrainy Trial

Free trial available, but at £6 for a month they are tremendous value and allow access to all other year groups, plus English as well.


Covers the full range of mathematics language which is so essential for children to know and use. An easy to use teacher controlled menu allows simple access to the activities.


To ensure continuity and progression, this CD was written with direct reference to the Numeracy Strategy Framework, Year 2 teaching programme for calculations. Over 60 activities are provided to build on the skills and knowledge gained in Year 1.


Enables systematic monitoring and assessment. Clear, fully marked A4 page print-outs identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses at the press of a button. Questions are randomly generated so every set of questions is different.

Because each of the activities is highly focussed, the CD is ideal for individual education plans.