Fun & Games

Cross Numbers

Cross Numbers

12 puzzles, rather like crosswords, but these cross number puzzles have calculation rather than word clues. Just slide the correct digits into the spaces. When complete click the Answer to see if all is correct.

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Pentominoes are made from 5 identical squares, fixed together at their edges. There are 12 altogether. Can you fit all 12 shapes into a larger rectangle, leaving no gaps? Incredibly hard, but there is more than one way!

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Magic Squares

Magic Squares

In a magic square all the rows, columns and diagonals add up to the same number. Sounds easy, but the negative number and 4 x 4 magic squares are a real challenge.

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Around for thousands of years, this puzzle is based on 7 mathematical shapes which form a larger square. By sliding the shapes many other shapes can be made: cats, dogs, snakes and even a truck!

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